“New sensors and modeling approaches for Electroencephalography” at the SpliTech2016 , Split, Croatia.
Partner: TUIL
Prof. Haueisen gave an invited talk entitled: “New sensors and modeling approaches for Electroencephalography” on 14.07.2016 at the international conference “SpliTech2016” July 13-15, 2016, Split, Croatia. About 25 scientist were in the audience and discussed about dry electrodes.
Exhibition stand at the fair during OHBM 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
Partner: EEM
This outreach event took place from June 26th to June 30th 2016 and was carried out in the frame of the exhibition activities during the annual conference of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2016). Novel dry 64 and 8 channel EEG caps and amplifiers developed within the ANDREA project were on display at the exhibition fair. The cap allows for EEG recordings without…

The Mile of Technology / Lange Nacht der Technik at Ilmenau University of Technology , Germany
Partner: TUIL
This activity took place on May 28th and it was carried out in the framework of the “Mile of Technology” / “Lange Nacht der Technik” at the Ilmenau University of Technology. This event is a major 3-annual exhibit of the Ilmenau University of Technology and adjunct institutions enabling the public audience to experience the world of science and technology and get a closer look into…
Girls day at Ilmenau University of Technology , Germany
Partner: TUIL
This activity took place on April 27th and it was carried out in the framework of the “Girl’s day 2016” at the Ilmenau University of Technology. Live demonstrations on various biosignal acquisition technologies including electroencephalography and electrocardiography were performed. Therefore, the requirements of conventional electrodes in comparison to novel dry electrodes have been demonstrated and discussed showing several prototypes of the ANDREA project. Impacts…
Open doors at Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany
Partner: TUIL
This activity took place on April 23rd 2016 and it was carried out in the framework of the “open doors” of the Ilmenau University of Technology. Live demonstration on electroencephalography and online brain activity reconstruction were performed using single dry electrodes and cap prototypes of the ANDREA project. Differences and advantages of the new electrode system were discussed and compared to conventional wet cap systems….
Marie Curie Ambassador at the Professional High School “Di Marzio – Michetti”, Pescara (Italy)
Partner: BIND-UdA
On 19 April 2016 Prof. Comani visited the Professional High School “Di Marzio – Michetti” in Pescara (Italy), and presented the ANDREA Project to a group of about 150 students (16-18 years old). Prof. Comani started with a presentation of the goals of a IAPP project, and of the importance of international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research to boost scientific cooperation in Europe. She then presented…
“Semana Profissão Engenheiro” at Faculty of Engineering of Porto University, Portugal
Partner: UPORTO
This activity took place from the 14th-20th March 2016 and it was carried out in the framework of the “Semana Profissão Engenheiro” of the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University. A poster was prepared to explain the principles of electroencephalography, the main goals of the ANDREA project and the impact of the dry electrode system to be developed on the way electroencephalography exams will be…
Tongji Zhejiang University, Jiaxing – China
Partner: TUIL
Prof. Haueisen gave an invited lecture entitled: “Basics of bioelectromagnetism” on 8th of March 2016 at the Tongji Zhejiang University in Jiaxing, China. About 12 students participated and discussed about multiple topics of bioelectric signal acquisition including dry electrodes.
Outreach Activity at the UdA University campus, Chieti (Italy)
Partner: BIND-UdA
On 16 February 2016, during the Open Day at the University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Prof. Comani presented the ANDREA Project to a group of about 100 students (16-18 years old) from scientific, technical and classical high schools of the Abruzzi region (Italy). Prof. Comani presented the goals of the ANDREA project, how it is implemented, and the potential medical and social impact of…
Marie Curie Ambassador Event at TUIL, Germany
Partner: TUIL
On January 23rd, 2016, 12 participants of a 10th grade class of the high school “Gymnasium Am Lindenberg” in Ilmenau did a workshop on Biomedical Engineering, including a presentation of the dry electrode cap developed in the ANDREA project. There were three young researchers presenting: Dr. Uwe Graichen (PostDoc), Judith Mengelkamp (PhD student) and Stefanie Freitag (PhD student). …